Wednesday, January 26, 2011


There are so many lovely things in life. As I type I am listening to George Winston December cd. Lovely.

I am also amazed at the blog world. So many amazing blogs. So many talented people with lovely things on them. I want to make them all!!

Most of all, my perceptions have changed a bit, or may I call it a paradigm shift? I think that simple things are the most lovely of things. A simple smile from my baby, laughter from my boys, or just watching them interact with one another. Lovely memories. Why does time march on so? Can I just stop and pause as I soak it all in? I rocked my two year old to sleep today. Just yesterday he was a wee on in my arms. I was up all night with him, feeling fatigued as ever. Now he sleeps, or runs around. Not much time for rocking and gazing into his blue blue eyes. That could be said of all my boys. Time marches on....

I am grateful for the lovely things in my life. A simple life. For moments I will cherish and miss one day. I am trying to soak it all in as time is marching on.

1 comment:

Cindy Thomas said...

I totally agree with you! Bitter sweet.